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**All prices are in USD currency.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who created the CSMP program?

Industry experts from North America that have been in the business for many years came together to collaborate and share their knowledge.


What does the CSMP program consist of?

The program is made up of eight courses (modules) with a small quiz at the end. Once all the courses are complete, there is a 120 question final exam.

Who is the CSMP program meant for?

The program will benefit every person in an organization, from the buyer and laborer to management and ownership.


How long does the program take to complete?

Course lengths vary; however, each topic in a course has a run time of approximately 5 minutes. In total there are 99 topics so the full course takes about 8.5 hours to complete.

Can I speak with any references?

To date, we have had only positive feedback. While it is challenging to gather personalized references, we encourage you to check out our Alumni page or our LinkedIn profile where users have posted their feedback.


Is the CSMP program in other languages?

All of our videos will be reshot this summer and Spanish will be included and available in the Fall of 2022.

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